Image of e-scooters in corral and person unlocking one of the scooters to ride.
E-Scooter Share Expansion, Discount Enrollment and Company Contacts

E-scooter share is now available in the East Bronx and Eastern Queens.

Learn more about the Eastern Queens expansion announcement in NYC DOT’s press release.


























Register for E-Scooter Share Discount Memberships

All scooter companies provide discounted memberships to low-income residents. Each company has their own program, so depending on which scooter brand you want to use, you can register for one, two or all of them. Each membership is slightly different, so read the details below and register for what makes sense for your trip. 

A chart of the pricing structures for the 3 e-scooter vendors, including standard and discounted pricing


















Click “Apply Now” and upload your assistance documentation


Click the link below and upload your assistance documentation


Download the Bird app, create an account and fill out your information at this link


Contact for Existing Scooter Operations in the East Bronx and Eastern Queens: 






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