Available below is a map showing the shared e-scooter parking and riding zones. This map will continue to be updated as additional parking corrals and rules are updated. Presentations and maps originally presented to community boards are available in PDFs, below the map.
There are different layers visible on the map. Here are the meanings behind the colors:
- Purple: Free-floating parking; vehicles must be parked in "furniture zone" of the sidewalk.
- Orange: Mandatory corral zone; vehicles must be parked in designated painted areas
- "P" icon: Parking corrals; locations of designated painted corrals
- Red: No ride/park zone; vehicles will not accelerate/park in this area. The area outside of the service area is a "No ride/no park" zone.
- Green Lines: Slow riding area; vehicles will be limited to 10 mph. All slow riding areas are on DPR greenways

The Bronx
The Bronx
